bearer to people. Abraham started by travelling around the world to deliver message. But after he see in dream that he exhaust and use his son ( not slaughter as interpreted) Allah replaced this project zabh with bigger and great zabh project which is guiding him to place of the 1st pyramid complex house made for people and made it function again produce all needs of people inside this house energy for factories like David iron factory mentioned in Quran. control weather and form rivers as Solomon and Abraham do in Quran as Abraham found the place of Beit dry before functioning it again, then beit had Safa fresh water and Marwa the trees. And regulate hunting and human relations etc.
So people travel to him to benefit and learn these technologies and know the god who teaches these technologies. Then they do similar civilizations houses at their country, that is how pyramid complex spread all around the world and all big rivers formed by ancient pyramids.
Abraham story repeated every era after times of civilization collaps. And retardment happen after each polar shift as people memory demolish, they become primitive they forget the pyramids and the house Per Ra (means the greatest house master from it name Abraham per ra hem) technologies, and forget how it function. And the valley become dry or poluted and without plants as it was when abraham came to it. And even forget where the oldest and greatest house made for people place. Thats why in quran Allah leaded him to the place of the house. After he raised the basis of the house by the knowladge he received from angeles nitrues. which I think the top of pyramid. The house worked again and transformed the dry valley to a paradise as pyeamids control wheather and produce massive free energy. So i think there is an abraham ( great house master) adter each polar Shift 3500 year. That bring back the free and real civilization. Considering oil civiluzation is slavery one.
Also Abraham is chosen to get this pyramids knowledge again because of his excellence he got this reward, because he was a good scholar and researcher for truth.
The Great Zabh is the Great Pyramid Project.
Word Zabaha ذبح is not slaughter its means exhausting work or big work or project, this meaning work logically with all positions in quran,
The Great Zabh that allah Redemption in place of exhausting the son of Abraham, is a great project, replace exhausting Abraham and his son because of travelling arround the world to spread the correct religion (he reached India (Brahma) and America, china, as the story was after escaping from the fire of his tribe that his father made for him, he said h will go to the Rab to guide him, he had a patient son, he reached travelling with abraham, so abraham was travelling to spread religion.
Abraham had a dream that he is over loading on his son, he said that to his son, his son replied do what you are ordered to do I will be patient, ِ ِِAllah redemption of this basic project Zabh of abraham and his son(travelling to spread religion) with a great project (knowing the place of old House for people Masjed Haram, and raising up its basis to make it function again and transform the sacred valley of the Nile again from a dry valley due to dis-function of the houses Beits of people the pyramids complexes destruction, and transform it to a water valley that feed visitors who come to study and give them drink and safety as mentioned in surat Alfeel.
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